Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Silent Killer

She was silent, she was subtle, she had all the things that could help her blend in. She had those eyes which has shred a thousand tears, but still they used to talk to the silence around her. There was one thing not everyone knew about her, she was a killer. How much she tried to blend in, there was one thing that used to set her apart. Her sexiness. The way she used to stare right thorough above her glasses, men would die for that.

One day she turned back and saw him standing there. He kept quite and took out a paper from his shallow denim pocket. Very carefully he unfolded it till the point where all he had to say, was hiding under a single fold of the paper. He passed it to her avoiding any contact with her hands, the same fingers which were between his a few years ago. She undid the last fold and saw a thousand words cramped into that poor paper. She didn't have the time to read it all. She folded the letter and with that every word inside it. She stretched out her arm and put it back in his hands. It went right through his heart.

Unknowingly she killed yet another.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Looking back at two thousand fourteen

At this time of the year when the festive season has got a hold of everyone, life seems to move so fast around me. It feels like I am standing in a busy intersection and seeing the lights change from green to red and back to green again every minute as the cars race down the lanes.

When I look back this year, I see good things, I see bad things, things those were never meant to happen and certain things that never happened. Sometimes I ask myself, 'Was this really worth it?'.

At times when I got through my WhatsApp contact list, I can see that the list has grown from 32 to 203 in the last two year though my Facebook friends have remained pretty much the same. My CGPA has increased a bit but my happiness quotient has hit the all time low. I know more people now but I have lesser friends. All these numbers and figures confuses me sometimes, even my Math teacher would say I did some silly mistakes again. Well, I would tell him, "Sir, life isn't about numbers, it's more about the alphabets. Those alphabets which when permuted makes beautiful words and the combination of those words are the ones that moves the world."